Visual storytelling using still & motion photography (video) enhanced with graphics and audio is one of the best ways of exposing and fighting vices among any society.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, and given the increasing need for story-tellers especially in our communities, we have put emphasis on imparting our expertise and knowledge to as many young people in the fields of Photography & Video Production, which have yielded great results so far.
Visual story-telling is a crucial component in making our communities better as it does not only create employment opportunities which boost our fight against poverty, but also a tool of communication used to create awareness especially regarding social, health and other issues affecting our communities.
In this program, we not only handle photography & video production, but supplement it with still and motion graphics which is an integral part of photography & video production. Our ideal graduate in this program is one that can do all the tasks needed for a story to be published or broadcast in any given media house. Creating journalists is our aim but this does not limit our trainees to just that. They can do more!
Working with various Community-Based Youths Organizations, we empower young people especially those that graduated but can't find jobs who we train the fundamentals of Photography & Video Production as our introduction module which is key as we lay a foundation to the subject especially in our crush programs.
Our Crush Programs have benefited a multitude of youths who have carried on with Photography & Video Production as a career. Notable Organizational which have benefited from such Training programs include Bwaise Youths Employment Centre (BYEC), an Employment Training Centre in the slums of Bwaise a suburb in Kampala which training was conducted together with Foureleven Films to train students in the field of Film & Television production. Others include Miracle Centre Cathedral, one of the biggest Churches in Uganda, whose entire Channel 44 Television Crew is a result of our initial effort as a Pilot Program towards empowering Youths in an effort to get skills and employment.
The Photography & Video Production Program has greatly impacted a number of our young people in a positive way, most of who were inspired to get more training abroad and are now working with great companies, some started their own productions companies and the list is going on.